Commonly Used In...

Total Joint Replacement

Most of the patients that undergo a total joint replacement surgery are previously diagnosed with severe arthritis and seek pain relief and increased range of motion.

Mutliple joints can be candidates for joint replacement (ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, elbow, finger).  During the procedure, surgeons assess damaged parts of the joint, and replace it with metal and plastic surfaces that are naturally shaped to restore knee movement and normal function.

Click to View Study: Amniotic Membrane Tissue During Repair of Posterior Tibial & Achilles Tendons

Click to View Study:  Effect Of Human Amniotic Fluid On Bone Healing


Spine Surgery

There are a variety of problems that can lead to spine surgery. The primary reason why patients seek professional help is because of the increasing back pain that impairs their day-to-day life.

The most common type of back surgery is Spinal Fusion. During this procedure the surgeon joins together spinal bones, called vertebrae. This eventually restricts motion between the bones of the spine and limits the stretching of the nerves.

Post operatively, patients that have undergo spine surgery should eventually experience less pain, and with less pain comes additional benefits like increased activity. Regenerative treatments have been shown to substantially shorten the time it takes for patients to make a healthy recovery, returning them to normal activities quicker.

Click to View Study: The Use of a Dehydrated Amnion/Chorion Membrane Allograft in Patients Who Subsequently Undergo Reexploration after Posterior Lumbar Instrumentation

Click to View NIH Study: Third Trimester NG2-Positive Amniotic Fluid Cells are Effective In Improving Repair In Spinal Cord Injury

Click to View NIH Study:  Role of Human Amniotic Epithelial Cell Transplantation in Spinal Cord Injury Repair Research

ACL Reconstruction

Joint Reconstruction

Joint injuries are common among both athletes and general public alike, caused by high stress loads and abnormal forced movement.

The Anterior Cruciate Ligamnet (ACL) is a major stabilizing ligament of the knee often requiring surgery when torn or ruptured.

During this procedure, the surgeon will remove the torn ligament, using your own tissue or the tissue of an organ donor to make a new ACL. Surgeons attach the new ligament to the bone with screws or other devices to hold it in place. As your knee heals, the bone tunnels created by the surgeon to bring new tissue through will start filling in, securing the new ligament.

Click to View Article:  Amniotic Membrane Used To Repair Human Articular Cartilage

Rotator Cuff Tear

Rotator Cuff Injury

Rotator cuff (muscles and tendons of the shoulder) are vulnerable to tears, impingement and related injuries. Rotator cuff injuries vary from mild tendon inflammation ( rotator cuff tendonitis), shoulder bursitis (inflamed bursa), calcific tendonitis (bone forming within the rotator cuff tendon) to partial and full thickness rotator cuff tears, which may require rotator cuff surgery.  

Tendons, ligaments, and cartilage of the shoulder are virtually avascular meaning they have no blood supply and/or vessels to transport new nutrients and 'building blocks' like protein to rebuild and repair damage, making full recovery a generally lengthy process. 

Through the use of amnion-derived regenerative treatments, physicians can introduce a high concentration of Growth Factors, proteins, cytokines, and essential nutrients that help speed healing by providing your body a direct, potent source of these essential 'building blocks' for tissue regeneration. 

Improving Outcomes with Amnio Technology

Amnio therapy has been effective in healing ligament, tendon, cartilage, and soft tissue injury.  Amnion-derived therapies work by releasing essential Growth Factors as well as recruiting stem cells to the site of damage to promote tissue regeneration.  Stem cells are primitive cells that can undergo differentiation to form different types of cells in the body, such as bone, blood, cartilage, tendon, ligaments, etc. These cells are responsible for healing damaged tissue by generating new healthy cells. However, with age, the body loses its ability to attract enough stem cells to the site of injury.  In this regard, amnio therapy therapy delivers a high concentration of proteins, carboyhdrates, cytokines, keratinocytes and growth factors to feed stem cells at the affected area to promote rapid, natural healing.

Noted In Published Medical Literature

  • Tendinosis

  • Rotator cuff tears

  • Muscle tears

  • Tennis elbow

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Joint and Disc injuries

  • Arthritis

  • Tendon & ligament tears 

  • Nerve injury

  • Spinal arthritis (Facet Syndrome)